"The house we hope to build is not for my generation but for yours. It is your future that matters. And I hope that when you are my age, you will be able to say as I have been able to say: We lived in freedom. We lived lives that were a statement, not an apology."

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Washington State Needs a Re-Vote

Former Washington State Governor Dan Evans has written a persuasive op-ed for why we need to have a re-vote in this state. Governor Evans main argument is that we should always follow the will of the people, whether it favors your political preferences or not.

This should be the approach of the state GOP. We shouldn't try and overturn this result in the courts, we should lobby for a re-vote to the legislature. If the Democratic led legislature chooses partisan politics over principle, than we can run on that in the upcoming elections in '06 and '08. The place to make our case is to the people, not the courts.

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