"The house we hope to build is not for my generation but for yours. It is your future that matters. And I hope that when you are my age, you will be able to say as I have been able to say: We lived in freedom. We lived lives that were a statement, not an apology."

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Gregoire To Take Office Tomorrow

With Christine Gregoire set to be inaugurated as governor tomorrow, something she does not deserve, I believe it is as important now as ever that the rightful winner, Dino Rossi, and the state GOP do the right thing. Instead of pushing the issue further in court, Mr. Rossi should honorably concede the election, saying that though he believes this election was unfairly taken, it is in the best interest of the state that we move on, preparing to fight another day. Mr. Rossi would be wise to heed these words from the Wall Street Journal:

Then too, there is that democratic virtue known as losing gracefully: that Ms. Gregoire failed to show it at the first and second ballots does not mean Mr. Rossi should fail to show it on the third.
Acting gracefully and with dignity and honor at a time when the opposition hasn't will go a long ways towards elevating the Republican Party to it's rightful place above the Democrats in the eyes of many Washington voters. As a recent poll shows, a majority of Washingtonians believe that Mr. Rossi is the rightful winner, and these same Washingtonians will remember how Rossi and Republicans act four years from now, with Mrs. Gregoire and Democrats having to answer for their actions.

Republicans will also be held accountable for their actions, and if we take the proper course now we will be rewarded in the long run, just as long as we always look out for what is best for the state and not our own partisan interests.


  1. Being a Texan so I have a slightly different take on this. How can the people trust us to fight for thier rights, to protect their freedoms, and to generally do "the right thing" if we just allow this travesty of justice?

    The court is not the right place to fight this, that I agree. Instead, it needs to be brought to the WA legislature and pressed for a new vote. Dino Rossi should be at the head of such a delegation.

    Now, if the Democrat controlled WA legislature refuses a new vote, then and only then should Rossi and the WA GOP back off. The people of WA will then see the Democrats for exactly what they are: lying, cheating, no good snakes in the grass.

  2. My thoughts exactly. Let the Democrats hang all this around their necks.
