"The house we hope to build is not for my generation but for yours. It is your future that matters. And I hope that when you are my age, you will be able to say as I have been able to say: We lived in freedom. We lived lives that were a statement, not an apology."

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Just Imagine

As I listen to the Democrats rail against Condi Rice and the Bush Administration in the Senate, I can't help but imagine what the uproar would be if the roles were reversed. Just imagine for a minute that there was a Democrat in office and it was Republicans blocking the nomination of an African-American woman to Secretary of State. Obviously, the media would unleash it's wrath upon Republicans, and no doubt Democrats and their liberal allies would be throwing accusations such as "racists" and "bigots" our way.

Now, you can double that if you had a Republican senator who was a former member of the Ku Klux Klan leading the opposition. The uproar that would ensue would be unimaginable. But of course, the roles aren't reversed and that is why you see no uproar against the Democrats and their ceaseless obstruction. In the eyes of themselves and the media, Democrats simply don't have to live up to the same standards of decency and conduct that Republicans have to.

Don't get me wrong, I don't believe Democrats are in any way racist, I just believe they don't have any idea how to reclaim their majority status. Many including myself have tried to drop hints, but I guess they are simply too blinded by hate to ever do anything other than block and obstruct.

Oh well, bigger GOP majorities for years to come!

UPDATE (9:55 P.M.): In another case of what-if-the-shoe-were-on-the-other-foot, Senator Mark Dayton, D-MN, left the realms of sanity on the Senate Floor today with this bit:

My vote against this nomination is my statement that this administration's lying must stop now. I don't like to impugn anyone's integrity, but I really don't like being lied to repeatedly, flagrantly, intentionally. It's wrong. It's undemocratic, it's un-American, and it's dangerous.
If a Republican had called the actions or beliefs of a Democrat "un-American", he would be gang-tackled in the liberal establishment for questioning Democrats' patriotism. This is just further proof of the double standard that exists.

Hat Tip: Powerline

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