"The house we hope to build is not for my generation but for yours. It is your future that matters. And I hope that when you are my age, you will be able to say as I have been able to say: We lived in freedom. We lived lives that were a statement, not an apology."

Friday, December 31, 2004

Looking Back and Forward

Without a doubt, 2004 has been one of the most exciting, and certainly the most nerve-racking years I've ever experienced. A presidential campaign that began nearly as soon as the '02 mid-terms were over came to a successful conclusion on November 2. In between then the campaign was full of it's ups and downs, from the bleak months of April and May, to the period of September and October where the president gained a lead that he never really relinquished.

Having served in the president's campaign since February of this year, the victory that was achieved on November 2 was sweet in so many ways. For one, it was gratifying to know that the efforts of Michael Moore, Hollywood, and the MSM to defeat the president failed in every possible way, with the president receiving a majority of the vote for the first time since his father's victory in '88. It was also sweet to see the shock and dismay of the Europeans and those haters around the world who couldn't believe that we would reelect a man such as George W. Bush.

But the sweetest part of the president's victory was the fact that a man who believed in something so strongly, and was willing to risk everything on behalf of that belief, was rewarded by the American people for having that courage of conviction that most political leaders lack. President Bush is a great man and a great leader, and I will always fondly remember 2004 as the year that my efforts, and the efforts of so many others who believed in the president, paid off.

Looking forward, the challenges that we as a nation face will only grow. The war on terror is at a critical stage, with everything hinging on victory in Iraq. As 2005 arrives and the January elections in Iraq draw closer, the enemies of freedom and human decency will only grow increasingly more desperate, and in turn more deadly. But knowing the heart and soul of America as I do, I know that we as a nation will remain strong and resolved and persevere onto victory. Fighting for freedom and democracy is what Americans do best, and we will continue that fight into 2005 and beyond.

With each new year there is always renewed hope, and this time around is no different. With 2005 only hours away, I am hopeful that we will accomplish great things in 2005, both domestically and abroad. And who knows, maybe the Seahawks will get to the Super Bowl!

Have a Happy New Year and God Bless the United States of America.

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