"The house we hope to build is not for my generation but for yours. It is your future that matters. And I hope that when you are my age, you will be able to say as I have been able to say: We lived in freedom. We lived lives that were a statement, not an apology."

Saturday, August 20, 2005

The Transfer Of Gaza

Israeli military posts and settlements are, as we speak, being dismantled and withdrawn from the Gaza Strip. The questions remaining are 1) should Israel be vacating Gaza in the first place? and 2) if so is this the right moment and situation to be doing so?

The answer to the first is probably yes. Gaza was originally and traditionally Palestinian territory and it would probably be prudent to return it to them.

The answer to question two however is no, this is neither the right moment in time nor, and maybe most importantly, the right situation to transfer Gaza to the Palestinians.


As part of the roadmap to peace, Palestinian dismantling of the terrorist apparatus is a pre-requisite for receiving any territory from the Israelis and, eventually, an independent state. This has not happened. Either by a lack of power or a lack of will PA President Mahmoud Abbas has been able to achieve little else other than meaningless cease-fires that do nothing to achieve the necessary defeat of terror.

Yet for some unexplained reason the transfer of Gaza goes ahead as planned. As it stands now, Gaza is being transferred not to a pacified Palestinian society but to one as infested with terror as ever. Instead of land for peace, Israel is ceding land for nothing in return but the status quo. And what does this achieve? If the PA receives land for nothing than what impetus will they have to defeat the terrorist elements within their society? A pacified Palestinian society assuming control of Gaza is in everyone’s best interest, but unilateral concessions and adherence to the peace-process of this sort only insures that this won’t happen, for now a jubilant Hamas has another base in which to launch further terror against Israel.

If the process is to succeed than Israel, and for that matter the free world, must demand Palestinian reciprocity. The Palestinians will get their land, but only in return for the dismantling of the terrorist groups that currently thrive within their society. Failure to do so will only result in the continued murder of innocent Israelis and the continued misery of the Palestinian people.

You cannot reward terror and complacency, for when you do all you get in return is more of each.

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