"The house we hope to build is not for my generation but for yours. It is your future that matters. And I hope that when you are my age, you will be able to say as I have been able to say: We lived in freedom. We lived lives that were a statement, not an apology."

Monday, January 24, 2005

Stand For Life

With the recent passing of the Roe v. Wade anniversary, the debate over abortion has intensified a bit. I, as most conservatives, am against abortion on the ground that it takes away human life. Whether it be a newly conceived fetus or a four year old child, human life is one of the most precious gifts we have, and as a country we should stand against anything that takes it away.

Though most people who support abortion describe themselves as "pro-choice", a more appropriate description would be "anti-personal responsibility". A woman makes her choice when she chooses to engage in sexual relations. As my parents have always taught me, we all have to take responsibility and face the consequences of our actions. Similarly, a man and a woman who engage in sexual relations have to face the consequences of their choices, they cannot run away from these consequences no matter how inconvenient or unfair they may seem. If you feel like you can't raise the child than give it up for adoption, there is many a couple who would consider themselves blessed at the opportunity to raise that child. Just don't selfishly take away the promise and opportunity that each life brings.

With that said, I would oppose any attempt to outlaw abortion all together, for exceptions must be made in cases of rape and incest. Though I would strongly urge the woman to have the child, and than give it up for adoption, I believe it is unfair that she who had no choice in the conception of the child must also have no choice in the bearing of it.

We as Americans must do more to, as President Bush said, "promote a culture of life". There is no such thing as an insignificant life, and each time an abortion is carried out we forfeit the opportunity of experiencing all the talents and gifts that that life offers. Life is a precious thing, too precious to be wasted, and we as a country should take a stand for that.

1 comment:

  1. Geoff, are you sure you're only 17? You should be playing baseball, football, hockey, etc. Yet you sound like you're my age.

    The Young Conservative: 17 going on 30.

    Great post, btw.
