"The house we hope to build is not for my generation but for yours. It is your future that matters. And I hope that when you are my age, you will be able to say as I have been able to say: We lived in freedom. We lived lives that were a statement, not an apology."

Saturday, January 15, 2005

He May Have Won The People's Choice Award But.....

...He sure isn't getting any love from his old high school. "Disingenuous" filmmaker Michael Moore's nomination to be inducted into the Davison High School Hall of Fame has been rejected for the fourth time now. Here's the little section of the story that got me nodding my head shouting "Heck Yeah!":

"Would you want him as a role model? Would you want your son or daughter to be like him?" asked Don Hammond, a member of the Hall of Fame selection committee. "I haven't talked to anybody yet who's for him. The word to describe Michael Moore is embarrassing. He embarrasses everybody."
Thank you Mr. Hammond, I think you speak for every rational American when you point that out.

Hat Tip: Blogs For Bush


  1. Well if it's any consellation, The Passion did win best drama.

  2. Anonymous4:09 PM


    I bet that book could be a very short novel.

    I am thinking that just the title sez it all, not need to reiterate :-)

    bubba, from michigan, but not where that Mikey Moore is from.
