One of the more popular complaints against the war in Iraq is that it has hurt us more than it has helped us, that we are weaker in the world as a result and support for al-Qaeda is swelling. Personally, I don't see the logic in this, for the fact that we are killing and capturing terrorists everyday weakens al-Qaeda and similar groups, not us. Just today, another one of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's lieutenants was captured. There have even been reports that we have captured Zarqawi himself, and that the only reason we haven't announced his capture is that it would send his henchmen fleeing from their current positions, hampering our abilities to get them.
Liberals also claim that our actions in Iraq have so enraged Arabs that they have rushed to join al-Qaeda's ranks. This too false, for al-Qaeda was able to swell up during the '90's because of a perception of American weakness and indifference, not strength and action. They attacked us on 9/11 without provocation, and they will do so again. The war in Iraq is only an excuse used for their terrorism, and they would be seeking to destroy us whether or not we are over there.
Taking out the world's most brutal dictator and removing another terrorist haven has strengthened us, not weakened us. Liberals would do well to recognize this.
NOTE: Victor Davis Hanson articulates this point far better than I ever could.
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