Sunday, January 30, 2005
Victory For Democracy
They are the liberal establishment, who refused to believe in the power of democracy. Stuck in the cynic stupor of their own condescension, they continue to under-estimate man's desire to be free, incapable of comprehending the great lengths a man thirsting for freedom will go. They see the shots of smiling Iraqis hugging each other and dancing in the streets, and they are unable to do anything but sneer, claiming that no one should "overhype" the momentousness of this election, as if it is possible to "overhype" such a day. Let them continue to wallow in their own defeatism, for it is not their actions that will go down in history, but the radical idealists who risked everything to bring freedom to a land fraught with oppression.
Though many perils still lie ahead, the courageous actions taken by Iraqis today have marked the beginning of the end for terrorism in that country. Zarqawi and his fellow thugs gave everything they had to stop democracy, and still it wasn't enough. It's as if the Iraqis took all the threats and intimidation from Zarqawi and simply gave him the finger in response, refusing to let him or those who enable him to hold their country back.
The election in Iraq today is not just a victory for Iraqis, but for democracy worldwide. Though evil is real, courage and freedom always triumph, and those who fight to spread it will be rewarded by history. There will still be attempts to undo what has been accomplished, but emboldened by freedom we can confidently say BRING IT ON!
UPDATE (Saturday, February 5, 9:25 A.M.): As is always the case, Victor Davis Hanson sums up the left's false predictions here. He also dives into the American and European liberal establishment, summarizing things up with this point: "Red America is to Blue America as America is to Europe itself." That just about says it all really.
Saturday, January 29, 2005
Some Thoughts On Tomorrow's Election
- The elections tomorrow are not going to be perfect and they're not going to be without violence, but delaying the elections will only increase the amount of violence the next time around, for the terrorists in Iraq will get the message that the election was delayed because of their actions.
- The fact that some Sunni areas might decide to boycott or just not participate does not mean the elections are illegitimate. In times of war and conflict it is common that not all of the afflicted area participates, including the south during our Civil War. You don't hear people calling Abraham Lincoln's reelection illegitimate, and neither should we call Iraqi elections illegitimate if some Baathist Sunnis decide not to participate.
- The terrorists in Iraq are losing. Zarqawi's network is slowly being rolled up and the noose is tightening around his own neck as well. Though some might say that there are too many casualties being inflicted on innocent Iraqis and American soldiers for us to be winning, the simple fact is that we are killing much more of them than they are killing us. I shudder to think how today's liberal establishment would treat casualties in WWII, for this kind of defeatism would have seriously jeopardized our efforts.
- The elections tomorrow will not mean the end of violence, but it will mark the beginning of the end for those few who are seeking to prevent Iraq from ever realizing the dream of freedom. A popularly elected government in Iraq will send the message once and for all that the days of Saddam and Baathist brutality are over, that a new dawn is rising over Iraq and the greater Middle-East, and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it.
To conclude this post, I submit to you some thoughts posted at NRO's "The Corner" from an American soldier stationed in Iraq, who sums up what will happen tomorrow far better than I can:
It is now dusk in Baquba, a city that lies thirty-five miles Northeast of Baghdad, along the edge of the Sunni Triangle. The streets are quiet. Vehicular traffic has been banned today, a curfew is due to come into effect soon after dark. Mothers hurry home from the markets. Children scurry to keep up with them. Election posters cling to the walls and streetlights. The city is filled with expectations. The vast majority of the people realize what is at stake here. They are ready to cast their ballots tomorrow, to elect representatives who will govern them and craft a new constitution for their nation. They are eager to write a new chapter in the history of their country. Meanwhile, the enemies of freedom lurk in the dark alleyways of this city. Domestic and foreign terrorists lie in wait. They fear not only the outcome of the vote, but the very process itself. They want to halt the inexorable march of freedom. They may try to disrupt the voting. No matter what happens tomorrow, they are doomed to failure in the long run. The elections will take place, the citizens of Baquba will cast their ballots. The transformation of Iraq is about to commence. Still, this is not the end of the beginning; nor the beginning of the end; it is the beginning of the beginning. Sunday will mark the first step on the long road to political and moral recovery in Iraq – and in the region. When the sun rises, the people will speak.
What Happened To The Kennedys?
However this Kennedy family legacy has been fretted away by the irresponsible comments of his brother Edward. When President Bush has shown the same vision and courage that President Kennedy did, he has been opposed every step of the way by Senator Kennedy. Senator Kennedy now calls America's efforts to spread democracy in Iraq as "part of the problem, not part of the solution."
The legacy of John F. Kennedy stands for everything that is good and right about America, while the legacy of Edward Kennedy symbolizes everything that is wrong about the modern Democratic Party. Though most regard the untimely deaths of some of it's members as the source of the family's tragic legacy, the true tragedy lies in what the family now stands for.
The Truth Behind The 2004 Election
First of all, the president was able to strengthen his hold on nearly all of the Midwest and every south-western state with his victories in Iowa and New Mexico, states where he narrowly lost to Gore in 2000. The president was able to accomplish this by increasing his vote share by 20% from 2000, gaining among African-Americans, women, north-easterners, Jews, etc. He increased his votes in every north-eastern state except Vermont and New Hampshire (the only red state that turned blue in 2004), and most notably, was able to increase his vote share among Hispanics by nine points from 2000. With a few exceptions, President Bush made gains in nearly every category in 2004. To get a look at the complete array of numbers, click here.
Secondly, President Bush is the first president since FDR to gain reelection while also increasing his party's majorities in congress. The GOP's gains in the House and Senate mark the second consecutive election in which Republicans have increased their majorities in congress. Republicans also control the majority of governorships and state legislators.
All this evidence bluntly refutes the claim that the GOP didn't expand it's base and support, and it is really unclear what Mrs. Whitman is trying to achieve here, except possibly trying to become the Zel Miller of Republicans.
Friday, January 28, 2005
Poor Little Mikey
Now, for most other people I'd feel some sympathy, put for a sleaze-bag like Michael Moore I feel no such thing. For any piece that has so many lies and concoctions in it to receive acclaim would be an injustice to every other documentary writer who did a good and honest job on their work. Michael Moore's rebuke is what he deserves, and in no way does he deserve anything but scorn and ridicule for his lies.
Thursday, January 27, 2005
Iraqi Elections
This is war and war is neither smooth nor bloodless. We face a desperate enemy who will kill anyone and everyone to insure what they need to survive stays in place.
That which they need is tyranny and despotism, for terrorism is able to thrive off oppression by using the discontent of the oppressed to justify it's actions. The only way to beat terrorism in the long run is to plant freedom and democracy in tyranny's place. Without the discontent the terrorism shrivels up and dies, underlining why it is so important that the elections go forward on Sunday.
If you want to gauge just how important these elections are, observe how desperate and deadly the insurgency in Iraq is getting. They know the stakes, and so must we.
Many on the ground who are seeing more than what is being reported keep saying that the world is going to be surprised at what happens on Sunday. The Iraqis themselves are very eager to vote and most are not going to be intimidated by the terror. The yearning for freedom will defeat the terrorism that is desperate to keep Iraq from realizing that freedom.
To those Americans pessimistic about democracy in Iraq, I offer you this: believe in the power of democracy, for in the end it always triumphs over tyranny and oppression.
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
What Defines A Liberal?
Go ahead and leave your definition of a liberal in the comments section and the official definition will be posted on Sunday, January 30th.
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Just Imagine
Now, you can double that if you had a Republican senator who was a former member of the Ku Klux Klan leading the opposition. The uproar that would ensue would be unimaginable. But of course, the roles aren't reversed and that is why you see no uproar against the Democrats and their ceaseless obstruction. In the eyes of themselves and the media, Democrats simply don't have to live up to the same standards of decency and conduct that Republicans have to.
Don't get me wrong, I don't believe Democrats are in any way racist, I just believe they don't have any idea how to reclaim their majority status. Many including myself have tried to drop hints, but I guess they are simply too blinded by hate to ever do anything other than block and obstruct.
Oh well, bigger GOP majorities for years to come!
UPDATE (9:55 P.M.): In another case of what-if-the-shoe-were-on-the-other-foot, Senator Mark Dayton, D-MN, left the realms of sanity on the Senate Floor today with this bit:
My vote against this nomination is my statement that this administration's lying must stop now. I don't like to impugn anyone's integrity, but I really don't like being lied to repeatedly, flagrantly, intentionally. It's wrong. It's undemocratic, it's un-American, and it's dangerous.If a Republican had called the actions or beliefs of a Democrat "un-American", he would be gang-tackled in the liberal establishment for questioning Democrats' patriotism. This is just further proof of the double standard that exists.
Hat Tip: Powerline
Monday, January 24, 2005
Stand For Life
Though most people who support abortion describe themselves as "pro-choice", a more appropriate description would be "anti-personal responsibility". A woman makes her choice when she chooses to engage in sexual relations. As my parents have always taught me, we all have to take responsibility and face the consequences of our actions. Similarly, a man and a woman who engage in sexual relations have to face the consequences of their choices, they cannot run away from these consequences no matter how inconvenient or unfair they may seem. If you feel like you can't raise the child than give it up for adoption, there is many a couple who would consider themselves blessed at the opportunity to raise that child. Just don't selfishly take away the promise and opportunity that each life brings.
With that said, I would oppose any attempt to outlaw abortion all together, for exceptions must be made in cases of rape and incest. Though I would strongly urge the woman to have the child, and than give it up for adoption, I believe it is unfair that she who had no choice in the conception of the child must also have no choice in the bearing of it.
We as Americans must do more to, as President Bush said, "promote a culture of life". There is no such thing as an insignificant life, and each time an abortion is carried out we forfeit the opportunity of experiencing all the talents and gifts that that life offers. Life is a precious thing, too precious to be wasted, and we as a country should take a stand for that.
Has Iraq Weakened Us?
Liberals also claim that our actions in Iraq have so enraged Arabs that they have rushed to join al-Qaeda's ranks. This too false, for al-Qaeda was able to swell up during the '90's because of a perception of American weakness and indifference, not strength and action. They attacked us on 9/11 without provocation, and they will do so again. The war in Iraq is only an excuse used for their terrorism, and they would be seeking to destroy us whether or not we are over there.
Taking out the world's most brutal dictator and removing another terrorist haven has strengthened us, not weakened us. Liberals would do well to recognize this.
NOTE: Victor Davis Hanson articulates this point far better than I ever could.
Sunday, January 23, 2005
And The Pot Calls The Kettle Black
"The Republicans are in a hopeless situation," Brost said. "What we have seen in the last couple weeks is them floundering and grasping at straws trying to find some way to undo the election results."Mrs. Brost, what we have seen for the last four years is Democrats "floundering and grasping at straws," whether it be Gore's attempt to steal the 2000 election by cherry-picking votes from heavily Democratic counties or Democrats trying to claim that the president's victory in Ohio is illegitimate.
Now for what you and your Democratic cronies did in this state. You paid for a hand recount even when members of your own party said that it would be inaccurate, you miraculously found ballots in assorted places in heavily Democratic King County, and you raised not a peep as hundreds of military ballots were discounted because state election officials failed to mail the ballots out in time.
These are just a few of the many things you guys did to steal this election, so please don't lecture Republicans about trying to "find some way to undo the election results."
A Challenge To Dean?
Right before the Iowa Caucuses a year ago, the Democratic Party came somewhat to their senses and chose Senator Kerry over Dean (Though if they had really come to their senses they would have rallied around Senator Lieberman). Whether there will be the same last minute exodus from Dean this time around remains to be seen. The DNC members meet on February 12, and it is going to be a fun couple weeks seeing where the Democrats go.
Saturday, January 22, 2005
The Inaugural Hangover
This is absurd.
President Bush was absolutely right in everything he said Thursday. For too long Americans have fallen victim to this cynic realism that dictatorships are tolerable as long as they promote our national interests. Freedom's spread across the world best promotes our nation's interest, not appeasing dictators just because they might be sitting on large oil reserves.
It was exactly the same ideas that President Bush expressed on Thursday that were held by our forefathers during the revolution. It was exactly the same ideals that President Roosevelt held when he committed America to saving the world from Nazism and Fascism. And it was exactly the same ideals that President Reagan held when he confronted the Soviet Union.
America's security and well-being will only be fully secured once every man and woman live in freedom. Though this won't happen in our lifetimes, or probably our children's' lifetimes, every man and woman who thirsts for freedom should always find a friend in the United States. And at least under President Bush we know that that will be the case.
UPDATE (Sunday, 10:16 A.M.): Robert Kagan has some good insight on the president's address.
Mid-East Cease-Fire
Spokesmen from the organizations have said they will stop the violence if Israeli forces stop operating within the occupied territories. This is absurd, for everyone knows that these terrorist organizations aren't doing what they are doing because of Israeli actions within Palestine, they are doing what they are doing because their goal is to destroy Israel, plain and simple. It will only be a matter of time before they find some excuse to resume the terrorism, which will leave Israel no choice but to resume their own operations within Palestine.
Abbas can arrange all the cease-fires he wants, but the true test will be whether he has the backbone to destroy these terrorist organizations, for that is the only way peace can be achieved between the Israelis and Palestinians. Anything less simply isn't good enough.
Friday, January 21, 2005
More Reform
Democrats will no doubt scream bloody murder at this plan, but in reality it makes a lot of sense. It will save the federal government money while forcing the states to find ways to save money themselves. In effect, this plan will force government to live within it's means, something that all levels of government have been neglecting to do of late.
If enacted, this will be an encouraging sign that President Bush is making a serious effort to curb the spending that often got out of control throughout his first term. While more fiscally responsible actions need to be taken, this is a smart move and will hopefully be the first of many new reforms passed over the next couple years. It is important that we shrink the size and scope of government, and this plan is a good step in that direction.
Another Inaugural Democrats Wouldn't Like
Thursday, January 20, 2005
To The Youth of America
I ask our youngest citizens to believe the evidence of your eyes. You have seen duty and allegiance in the determined faces of our soldiers. You have seen that life is fragile, and evil is real, and courage triumphs. Make the choice to serve in a cause larger than your wants, larger than yourself - and in your days you will add not just to the wealth of our country, but to its character.
The Vision Of George W. Bush
Some highlights are the president's declaration that, "our deepest interests and beliefs are now one." This clearly strikes down the old Washington policy of working with dictators as long as they enhance American security. The president made it quite clear that this a false assertion, that America's security interests are best met by the spread of democracy around the world.
The president also correctly pointed out that America has started an "untamed fire of freedom that will reach the darkest corners of the world." This is completely true, and the cause of freedom and democracy is best served with America leading the way.
To gain the true magnitude of the speech everyone will need to hear or read it for themselves, for I am just completely taken aback by the vision and mission that the president laid out today. Words cannot express the admiration, only further cemented by the president's address, that I have for a man who believes so resolutely in the cause of freedom. The president's address today further reminds me of why I fight so hard to defend and support this man who fights so hard for freedom and human justice. President Bush is truly a great president and a great man, and history will reward his courage and vision.
UPDATE (10:21 A.M.) Linked here is the president's address, which I'm still amazed by.
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
The Next Four Years
- The War on Terror: We are at a pivotal point in the War on Terror, with everything hinging on success in Iraq. If we succeed there in establishing a successful democracy than we will strike a mortal blow to the terrorists we face, who need tyranny and destitution for their ways to gain traction. Free societies do not support or export terror, and this is why victory in Iraq is so important.
- Mid-East Peace Process: With the passing of Yaser Arafat the Palestinians have an opportunity of their own, an opportunity to reform their society and gain credibility with both Israel and United States. Both the U.S. and Israel have shown a willingness to work with Abbas, provided he works towards stopping the terror against Israel. If he fails to do this, than he will have blown an opportunity that will not come about again for decades, and he and his fellow Palestinians will continue to suffer in poverty and destitution.
- Social Security Reform: Those on both the left and right who say that there is no crisis in Social Security and that it should be left alone are wrong. Waiting for there to be an actual crisis in anything before acting is both irresponsible and reckless. Reforming the system now will save money in the long run, and it will lessen the burden on a program that is slowly headed for disaster.
- Tax Reform: To achieve greater prosperity in America we must reform our outdated tax code by simplifying it. To encourage more savings and investment we must remove taxes on both, which will spur more pro-growth activities. Changing the system outright would almost certainly mean defeat, which is why an individual should be given the option of sticking with the current code and all it's deductions, or switching to the flat, more simpler rate. As time goes on, more and more will switch to the flat rate, and America will be much more prosperous as a result.
- Tort Reform: Frivolous litigation is driving up not only the costs of health care, but it is driving good doctors away from medicine. This is compromising both the quality and quantity of health care in America, and it is becoming a dangerous pattern. To insure that trial lawyers aren't padding their pockets while Americans have to go to greater lengths to receive decent medical care, we need to cap the amount of damages that can be awarded in a medical liability case. Also, we need to move these lawsuits out of state courts to the federal level, so lawyers can't simply fish around for the biggest payout among states.
- The Federal Judiciary: With all the judicial activism that is springing up in America, it is important that President Bush nominate conservative judges to the bench, judges who will interpret the law as it is, not make law as they want it to be. The obstructionist Democrats in the Senate will fight this all the way, but it is important that the president not back down. With at least two vacancies likely to open up on the Supreme Court, President Bush must especially follow the above criteria, for issues such as gay marriage, the pledge, and detainees' rights in regards to the War on Terror will be dealt with.
These are only a few of the issues that are sure to present themselves over the next four years, with many more unforeseen sure to come. But with the president's strong leadership and conviction, I have no doubt that we will achieve all that we can over the next four years.
MSM Does It Again
Jan. 19, 2005 — For a possible Inauguration Day story on ABC News, we are trying to find out if there any military funerals for Iraq war casualties scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 20. If you know of a funeral and whether the family might be willing to talk to ABC News, please fill out the form below:The fact that ABC would try to make such a blatantly political statement at all, let alone on the president's inauguration day, is truly astounding. The MSM's manic obsession to bring down the president is despicable, and it insults every notion of good journalism.
Now, ABC will try to claim that they are just trying to honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country, but this claim is an insult to every American they try and sell this to. If ABC were really concerned with honoring our nation's fallen, they would have expanded that invitation to those who have died in Afghanistan and elsewhere.
It is quite clear that ABC's one and only intention is to tear down the president, and the fact that they are willing to do this by exploiting those who have fallen for our country is truly indicative of their character.
Hat Tip: Powerline
They Just Never Learn, Chapter III
Democrats need a plan, an agenda, that they can take before the American people and say, "This is what we want to do and this is where we want to take the country." The only thing close to any such agenda I've heard lately was Senator Kennedy's call last week for European-style Socialism.
That won't cut it.
Democrats need an agenda that proves that they are A.) strong and resolved to win the War on Terror, B.) tolerant of those who profess a strong belief in God, and C.) intolerant of the politics of personal-destruction that they had previously embraced through Michael Moore and his Hollywood cronies.
If they do these things, and a couple of others, than they will begin to re-attract many of the voters that have gone to the Republicans over the last twenty-five years. As recent actions by the party have shown however, Democrats seem completely unwilling to do this.
Monday, January 17, 2005
Realizing The Dream
I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
Giving something to someone based on their skin color or gender does not alleviate discrimination, it only furthers it. Just as it is wrong to deny something to someone based on their skin color or gender, it is just as wrong to give somebody something on that same basis. You can't fight fire with fire, nor can you fight discrimination with more discrimination. It is insulting to give a minority something on the basis of their minority status, for we tell that person that they cannot obtain that thing through their own merit. This discrimination only makes inequality worse, not better. To get rid of discrimination in America we need a solution that doesn't include discrimination.
Many families who live in poverty become stuck in poverty because they cannot afford to take their children out of the porous, failing schools they are stuck in. Poor education only furthers the cycle of poverty, as well as making it necessary for those who live in it to require special privileges to get into universities or get jobs. By improving education among those below the poverty line we will give them the chance they deserve to go out and compete for good paying jobs, improving their quality of life. The best way to do this is to give parents with children in failing schools the choice to take their tax dollars and put their child in a school that fits their needs.
By insuring a good education among all classes, we can finally see the day when everyone can be judged by the content of their character instead of the color of their skin or their gender. To do this would be to finally realize the dream that Dr. King expressed decades ago, and it would finally put an end to the hideous practice of discrimination.
Who We Are
The argument that President Bush's open expression of faith is slowly breaking down the walls that separate church and state is simply an excuse for fringe elements on the left to further their efforts to remove God from American life. Uncomfortable in their own beliefs, they are trying to take away the rights of the rest of America to express theirs. To do this is wrong, for denying the acknowledgement of a higher being is to deny who we are as Americans altogether. This country was founded on the basis that we are endowed with certain rights by our creator, and as much as they may try, the fringe left can't do anything to change that.
Sunday, January 16, 2005
They Just Never Learn, Chapter II
Unfortunately for Senator Daschle, no one shared this bit of wisdom with him. For over the next two years Senator Daschle and Senate Democrats would obstruct over ten judicial nominees from the president, never once providing any rational reasoning for their obstruction. This would go on to cost Senator Daschle once again, this time his seat in the Senate. Senator Daschle and his fellow Democrats have twice now made the mistake of simply blocking anything and everything that has President Bush's name on it, and they now seem headed down a course of making that mistake for a third time.
Daschle's successor, Harry Reid of Nevada, has recently proclaimed that all of the renominated judicial appointees originally filibustered by the Senate Democrats will meet the same fate as they did the first time. Furthermore, Senator Reid has warned his counterpart Senator Frist against using the "nuclear" option (changing Senate rules to abolish filibustering on lower-circuit judges), stating that to do so would be a "short-term victory" and that it would hurt Republicans in the long run. "We're going to be in the majority. That's the way history is. And I think that they would rue the day they did that."
With all due respect Senator Reid, you're never going to be in the majority until you cease the obstruction, so do you and your country a favor by giving every judicial nominee the up or down vote they deserve. Learn from the mistakes of your predecessor and actually come up with an agenda of your own, instead of simply blocking ours'. In short, don't make the same mistake three times in a row.
Hat Tip: Blogs For Bush
Dean For DNC Chair
I just hope Democrats lack the sense to reject Dean like they did the first time, for the screaming doctor from Vermont is not going to help the party get out of it's losing streak, he's only going to further the perception (a correct perception) that the party is predominantly northeastern and liberal. A Chairman Dean is good news for Republicans who enjoy being America's majority party.
With that in mind, The Young Conservative now officially endorses Howard Dean to be the next chairman of the Democratic National Committee.
Saturday, January 15, 2005
He May Have Won The People's Choice Award But.....
"Would you want him as a role model? Would you want your son or daughter to be like him?" asked Don Hammond, a member of the Hall of Fame selection committee. "I haven't talked to anybody yet who's for him. The word to describe Michael Moore is embarrassing. He embarrasses everybody."Thank you Mr. Hammond, I think you speak for every rational American when you point that out.
Hat Tip: Blogs For Bush
When It Comes To Social Security, A Policy of Preemption Is The Way To Go
This is becoming a trend within the Democratic Party, not only on Social Security but the War on Terror as well. Just like they claimed that Saddam Hussein was not an imminent threat, they also argue that Social Security is just fine, that we shouldn't mess with it until there's an actual problem. This shortsightedness is very dangerous, and will prove very costly down the road. No Saddam Hussein wasn't a threat to us when we invaded, but down the road he would have been. And if we had waited until Saddam had developed into an imminent threat, we would have had to contend with an enemy that could level one of our own cities or have killed thousands of our own troops on the battlefield.
Similarly, if we wait until Social Security is on the verge of collapse we will have to take quick and overly expensive measures to save it. President Bush is absolutely right in trying to prevent this from ever happening, and anyone with any sense can see that Social Security is heading down a treacherous road. If we deal with these issues that threaten the program now, we will have prevented ourselves from having to deal with a serious problem in the future.
The current generation of seniors is in no peril to lose their benefits. But with the upcoming retirement of the Baby Boomers huge strains will be put on the system. If nothing is done now the system won't be there to provide the benefits our generation has earned. This is why we should be allowed to invest some of our payroll tax money, insuring that we will see the same returns that our parents and grandparents have.
Friday, January 14, 2005
It's Now Or Never
The onus is now on Abbas and his new government, for their actions now will determine the future of the Palestinians for decades to come. If the new Palestinian Authority fails to prove that it is any different than the old one, Israel will never work with them in creating a peaceful Palestinian state. This means the Palestinian people will continue to live in the same poverty and destitution that they have suffered under for so long. Abbas must act decisively now or condemn he and his people to irrelevance for decades to come. It's now or never for the Palestinian cause.
Thursday, January 13, 2005
The Shrinking Deficit
All of these gains are due to one thing, lower taxes. By cutting taxes on multiple occasions, the government gave people more money to spend and invest, which in turn creates more business, with more business comes more jobs to meet the increased demands, and with more jobs comes a larger tax base from which to bring in revenue. The government is now bringing in more than it is sending out, which is why the deficit has been shrinking for the last two years. Once again, as current events and history have shown, the best way to grow the economy is to put more money back into the hands of the people who earned it.
UPDATE (Wednesday, January 19, 4: 48 P.M.): This post was published in my hometown newspaper The Tacoma News Tribune today.
Newdow At It Again
With all due respect Mr. Newdow, I and the vast majority of Americans are tired of you trying to prevent us from expressing our beliefs just because you are insecure in your own. In no way is the government forcing you to adopt a certain religion, so stop trying to paint yourself as a victim. Maybe you wouldn't feel like such an "outsider" if you ceased trying to deny every American's right to freely express their beliefs.
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
It's Our Character
Though there are many within our borders and without that enviously trash America, it is America that these same cynics turn to in their time of need. Countries such as France and Germany may stab us in the back, even after we saved them for destruction. Yet we just smile and move forward, knowing that if they ever need a helping hand again, America will be there to lend it. That is just our character, our great American character.
Freedom Is Always The Answer
As is the case with the Palestinians, the only way to ever achieve lasting success in transforming an area into a peaceful and prosperous society is to bring that area freedom and democracy.
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Gregoire To Take Office Tomorrow
Then too, there is that democratic virtue known as losing gracefully: that Ms. Gregoire failed to show it at the first and second ballots does not mean Mr. Rossi should fail to show it on the third.Acting gracefully and with dignity and honor at a time when the opposition hasn't will go a long ways towards elevating the Republican Party to it's rightful place above the Democrats in the eyes of many Washington voters. As a recent poll shows, a majority of Washingtonians believe that Mr. Rossi is the rightful winner, and these same Washingtonians will remember how Rossi and Republicans act four years from now, with Mrs. Gregoire and Democrats having to answer for their actions.
Republicans will also be held accountable for their actions, and if we take the proper course now we will be rewarded in the long run, just as long as we always look out for what is best for the state and not our own partisan interests.
They Just Never Learn
Democrats suffered widespread defeat in last year's elections because all they did was criticize and attack, never once providing any vision to the American people. Now they are declaring their resolution in being even more obstructionist than before. You'd think that Democrats would be trying to correct their problem by laying out where they want to go and what they can offer the American people. Instead they are simply telling all of us, "We don't have a vision or a plan for America, so we're just going to stand in the way of everything the Republicans are trying to accomplish."
Usually parties and candidates take electoral defeats and learn from them, however it is readily apparent that the Democratic Party just never learns.
Monday, January 10, 2005
The Opportunity Of A Lifetime
Positions like these are identical to those of his predecessor. Mr. Abbas cannot afford to be another Arafat, he must be strong and willing to defeat the terrorist elements within the Palestinian territories. Both President Bush and PM Sharon have expressed a willingness to work with Abbas, and he must take this opportunity to make inroads in creating a peaceful Palestine that doesn't threaten the security of Israel. With Arafat out of the way, Mr. Abbas and the Palestinians have the opportunity of a lifetime to finally realize their dream of statehood, and if they are to squander this opportunity, they will condemn themselves for generations to the same poverty and destitution the current intifada has brought them.
Heads Roll At CBS
This would be a good start, but it is going to take a lot more than a standards director to change the overt liberal bias that exists not only over at CBS, but throughout the MSM. The rabid attempts to destroy the president throughout the '04 campaign was one of the most disgraceful spectacles I have ever witnessed, and everyone over at CBS, The New York Times, CNN, etc. should be absolutely ashamed of themselves. Not only were their actions unprofessional, they were an insult to every standard of fairness, truth, and responsibility that we Americans pride ourselves in. If the MSM wants to gain back the audience they have been losing over the years, they need to stop the character assassination of those they don't like and return to reporting the news as it happens, leaving their biases at the door.
Arrogant GOP Leaders
Lamenting the dismissal, one committee chairman stated, " We are looking more and more like the Democrats we replaced", and he is absolutely right. In 1994 the GOP was able to retake the House and Senate because they correctly pointed out that the Democrats longstanding control had corrupted them, and that they had taken their position for granted. By not only trying to lower our ethical standards, as well as shunning those who do not follow orders, we are acting in the exact same manner that we decried over ten years ago. The GOP hierarchy within the House seems to be convinced that they will have control forever, thus allowing them to do what they want without consequence. This complete arrogance will not go unnoticed forever, and one of these days we risk putting the Democrats back in a position to take everything away from us, just like we did to them.
It's time for the majority of Republicans in the House who are troubled by what is taking place to stand up for the principles we swept the House with, and I especially think it's time for someone other than Tom Delay to be leading the party.
Sunday, January 09, 2005
Moore To 'Make More Fahrenheit 9/11's'
Well I certainly encourage him to, for every time he makes a "documentary" the GOP wins another election. It's a win-win situation for us all. He continues to pad his bank account while we pad our hold on every major branch of American Government. You go Michael!
A Pro-Life DNC Chair?
Heck, if Democrats weren't willing to let a pro-life Catholic, William Pryor, receive an up or down vote in the Senate, than who's to believe they will let one lead their party?
Discounted Democrats
Supreme Court Faces Eventful '05
Our Friends The Japanese
If nothing I have written so far convinces you of the special relationship we have with Japan, let PM Koizumi's own words when explaining his decision to send 500 Japanese troops to Iraq convince you:
"The U.S. is Japan's only ally, Japan must also be a trustworthy ally to the U.S."
We should consider ourselves lucky to have such friends by our side.
Palestinians Go To Polls Today
UPDATE (11:52 A.M.): Mahmoud Abbas appears to have won with exit polls showing him with about 66% of the vote.
Newt For Prez?
Mr. Gingrich is a very intelligent man and I'm sure he understands these challenges, which is why I doubt that he is seriously considering a run for the presidency. When choosing a nominee, Republicans should first look at the governor pool, and Mitt Romney is a guy who strikes me as an intriguing possibility at this early juncture.
UPDATE (1:15 P.M.) Mr. Gingrich addresses the presidential speculation surrounding him on FOX News Sunday.
Friday, January 07, 2005
A Challenge Is Just Another Word For Opportunity
Rossi To Challenge Election Results
While there is no question that we need a new election to determine the legitimate winner of this race, I believe the Rossi Campaign is going about this the wrong way. Instead of taking the issue to court, it would be more prudent to take the issue before the legislature, which can also order a new election. While the state legislature is controlled by Democrats, it is still a popularly elected body representative of the state and should be the one to decide the issue. If Democrats were to block a new election from taking place, than they and their party would have to face the consequences in the future. The right place to go to ask for a new election is the legislature, not the courts, even though there is little chance that Democrats there would authorize a new election. Sometimes doing the right thing means doing something that doesn't favor your own personal interest.
More Jobs Added
- There were 157, 000 jobs added to the economy in December '04.
- There were 2.2 million total jobs created in '04.
- According to Household Survey, which interviews households instead of businesses, 2.4 million jobs were added in 2004.
- Contradicting the claim that George Bush will be the first president since Herbert Hoover to have a net loss of jobs in his term, which was constantly used by John Kerry throughout the campaign, the economy has added a net of 114, 000 jobs since January 2001.
Considering all that the economy and the nation has been through over the last four years, the fact that we have added more jobs than we have lost in that span is pretty remarkable. It's amazing what will happen when you give the people back more of their own money during a rough patch.
If It's A Fight They Want It's A Fight They'll Get
If it were up to Democrats however, we would deny interrogators the techniques necessary to gather this information. Democrats seem to believe that providing comfort to detainees will encourage them to give valuable intelligence. This belief shows the lack of seriousness by the Democratic Party in fighting the War on Terror, and if they want to take this rationale before the American people they are more than welcome to. And when they do, Republicans will once again show that we are the ones that are serious about winning the War on Terror, while our counterparts are more concerned with protecting the quality of life of those who seek to destroy us.
Where would we be without America?
UPDATE (3:37 P.M.): In another article by VDH, he points out what Americans have accomplished since the collapse of the twin towers over three years ago. Here is the best line of the article, which sums up the true meaning of each and every terrorist attack in Iraq:
"The suicide bombs and explosions that go off daily in Iraq are not proof that Americans are losing the Sunni Triangle, but rather that thousands of secular and religious fascists are desperate not to lose their entire Middle East."
Thursday, January 06, 2005
Crocodile Tears
These are all interesting questions, and I would like to hear some of these outraged Democrats answer them.
A Tax System That Works
In looking to devise a tax system that is more prosperity-friendly, two goals should be kept in mind:
1.) Position tax rates so they don't discourage productive and wealth-enhancing activities.
2.) Eliminate over taxation of investment and savings, so more of both will occur.
To achieve these goals, the most rational direction to move in is towards a flat-tax rate. This would move the focus of taxation from savings and investment towards consumption. For example, this would end the taxation of dividend profits, instead taxing those profits when they are spent on goods. By not directly taxing dividends we would encourage more people to invest in the economy, which in turn would grow the economy.
We should also refrain from taxing savings, which would encourage more people to put away money for their later years, subsequently easing some of the stress that is being put on Social Security.
Moving away from our over complicated, loophole ridden system towards a flat tax rate of around 15-18% would increase national income by 5-10% estimates Harvard Economist Dale Jorgenson. While this may seem overly ambitious on the face of it, it seems less so when you look at real life examples of flat tax rates being implemented. For example, a 15% rate is currently being used in Hong Kong, which has enjoyed robust growth for the last forty years and is one of the economic powers in the world. In Russia, the government now collects more with it's 13% rate than it did when it had a 70% rate.
Reforming the tax code won't be easy, for there are many interests out there who have a loop hole or benefit somewhere in the code that would make it in their interests to stand for the status quo. However, if we as a nation want to secure prosperity for ourselves and our children, than adopting a flat-tax rate simply makes too much sense. As history has taught us, the best way to have a healthy economy that is full of growth is to lessen the role and influence of government. Simplifying our tax code would do just that.
For a more expert and in depth analysis of simplifying the tax code, check out this article, which is the most common-sense set of proposals I have seen.
Some Dem's Want McAuliffe Back As DNC Chair
The Intolerant Left
Hat Tip: Powerline
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
Boxer To Challenge Ohio Results?
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
The 109th Congress
Another big question is whether Congressional Republicans can get the big reforms that will be put forth by the Bush Administration through congress, i.e. Social Security, tax, and tort reform. Though there are increased majorities in both houses for the GOP, they will still need to gain some cooperation from at least a handful of Democrats on each of these issues, especially in the Senate, where 60 votes are need to end debate and bring about a vote on a certain measure (Republicans hold 55 seats, making it necessary for at least 5 Democrats to join the GOP to remove the threat of a filibuster). This they should be able to do, for there are a handful of moderate Democrats who come from red states that will be willing to at least listen to the entreaties of the President and Republican Leadership, especially those up for reelection in '06.
The 109th Congress will be required to deal with some very big issues over the next two years, and it is vital that Congress successfully adopt some much needed reforms, as well as confirm what is likely to be at least one or two Supreme Court nominees.
House Republicans Retain Ethics Guidelines
This is a relief, for by relaxing their ethical standards, House Republicans were beginning to conduct themselves in the exact same manner of the Democratic majority they had replaced in 1994. It is never good for a party to relax their ethical standards, and it sends a bad message to the constituents in which they represent. Today's move was an important step, and I'm very glad to see that the House Republicans are not going to go down with their leader, Tom Delay, who has always seemed to me to be overly partisan and antagonistic.
Washington State Needs a Re-Vote
This should be the approach of the state GOP. We shouldn't try and overturn this result in the courts, we should lobby for a re-vote to the legislature. If the Democratic led legislature chooses partisan politics over principle, than we can run on that in the upcoming elections in '06 and '08. The place to make our case is to the people, not the courts.
Monday, January 03, 2005
Iraqis Determined to Defeat Insurgents
Hat Tip: Powerline
Sunday, January 02, 2005
Seahawks Fans More Benevolent Than France
Saturday, January 01, 2005
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
"First, President Bush and this new Congress must resolve to adequately equip our fighting men and women. Our soldiers should never want for proper equipment and accurate intelligence. Their patriotism and sacrifice should never be doubted or compromised. And they and their families should always be treated with dignity, respect, and fairness."Now on this alone I would absolutely agree with him, as would the vast majority of Americans. But while Mr. Clyburn and his fellow Democrats might try and take the high ground on supporting our troops with their rhetoric, his and so many of his Democratic counterparts actions do not back up their words. If Rep. Clyburn was really serious about properly equipping the troops, than why did he vote against the $87 billion supplemental that did just that?
Senator Kerry had the same problem throughout the campaign. While he criticized the president for not supplying enough body armor, he opened himself up to the fact that he voted against the bill that provided that body armor.
The American people, especially those serving in the military, saw this and understandably didn't trust a man or a party that didn't back up it's words with the appropriate actions. This kind of double speak from Democrats on Capitol Hill is probably why most troops blame congress for the lack of armor (Refer back to my post on the Military Times Poll) and why the military is reliably Republican at the polls. When it comes to supporting our troops, as with everything in life, actions always speak louder than words.