The picture above is one of the most heartbreaking pictures I have ever seen. How any class of human could inflict such a horrific evil upon innocent life such as this young girl saddens me beyond expression, and it puts in shockingly black and white terms the kind of animals we face in this War on Terror. The very same people who could indiscriminately take the life of this little girl are the same people who flew airplanes into the WTC towers and the Pentagon, and who walk into the streets of Israel and blow themselves up.
They are the modern face of evil, and there is no level that they won't sink below to destroy freedom and human rights throughout the world. Defeating these monsters is the challenge of our time and generation, and accomplishing this will take great amounts of perseverance, sacrifice, and courage. We in the free world must be up to that challenge however, for the cost of failing to defeat those who took this girl's life is simply more than any of us can bear.
We must fight to insure that animals such as these are no longer permitted to freely walk this earth and destroy innocent human life.
Not many terrorists out there would say we need to bring people to justice so they can't destroy innocent human life Aphid. It's that kind of moral relativism that paralyzes civilized peoples from confronting evil when it confronts them. They flew planes into our buildings killing thousands of people, how else do you propose preventing them from doing that again?
ReplyDeleteSaying "violence doesn't end violence" is ignorant of history as well, for if we hadn't answered Hitler's aggression with force of our own than Nazi flags would be flying from every European capitol right now. When dealing with a cruel and barbaric enemy such as those who killed this young girl there is no other option left to us.
Oh it was happening, this was Saddam Hussein's Iraq after all. If he was still in power he'd be filling up the desert with more and more mass graves. The numbers murdered under Saddam Hussein were far greater than the number of Iraqis that have been killed by terrorist attack.
ReplyDeleteYeah, with weapons your heroes Reagan & Bush sold him!
ReplyDeleteWar kills children, whether conducted by ruthless dictators, terrorists or "liberators."
ReplyDeletePlease don't politicize the death of children in a war.
If that was a child killed by a "smart" bomb, you wouldn't have put it there. If that was a child killed by starvation in Sudan, you wouldn't have posted it. If that child was being held by an Iraqi man you wouldn't have posted I wrong?
I haven't seen any pictures on this blog of wounded vets, or coffins arriving at Dover AFB. Bottom line: you are trying to invoke nationalism by politicizing the death of a child.
Please don't politicize the death of children in war. That is unfair.
Get real Rob, the difference between a child killed by a "smart" bomb and one killed by a suicide bombing is that innocent men, women, and children are the target of such an attack, while ones killed by a "smart" bomb are tragic victims of attacks necessitated by the need to kill those who target innocents targeted in their attacks. Usually you're a pretty rational guy Rob, wrong but rational, however in this instance you have an appalling lack of moral clarity.
ReplyDeleteAnyone but a narrow-minded liberal can tell that this post was not politically motivated, for in no way did I say something like, "President Bush is the only one who can stop this" or "If Democrats were in charge they wouldn't do anything to end this." What I did in this post was try to remind all civilized human beings and members of the free world of the extreme evil that confronts us.
The only thing that's unfair is you morally equating innocents killed by mistake to innocents being targeted and killed by terrorists.