"The house we hope to build is not for my generation but for yours. It is your future that matters. And I hope that when you are my age, you will be able to say as I have been able to say: We lived in freedom. We lived lives that were a statement, not an apology."

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Comment Response

Comment- "RE: 'The End of Roe'":

i dunno about this selective killing ... if all human life is "valuable" what about the 2400 men and women who we have killed in iraq ... not to mention all those 'valuable' iraqi people we setting up for more of the same ...crazy justification and warped ethics and a deceived public makes for a dangerous society ...

peace & harmony,

My Response:

-----I have to say I disagree with equating the practice of abortion to lives that have been lost during times of war. On the one hand you are dealing with a procedure which, in most circumstances, needlessly and tragically destroys an unborn human life. Lives lost during war on the other hand, depending on whether that war is justified and/or what cause the lives were lost in the pursuit of, can be lives needlessly lost and wasted or they can be lost in the pursuit of something noble such as the freedom of others and/or the preservation of more lives in the present and future.

-----Who are these "2400 men and women we have killed in Iraq"? If you are referring to the American soldiers who have died there, as I assume you are, then we didn't kill them, the terrorists in that country did.

----"All those 'valuable' Iraqi people we [are] setting up for more of the same"? A statement like that insinuates the Iraqis were living in perfect freedom, peace, and serenity before we went there. They obviously weren't. Iraqis were being tortured and executed by the day under the previous regime, all for the purpose of insuring that regime maintained it's brutal stranglehold on power.

What we are setting the Iraqis up for is the capacity to pacify their own country and to build a stable, representative government which will insure the peace, tranquility, and the preservation of Iraqi rights. Accomplishing this means fighting terrorists who do not want to see such a government arise, which inevitably means that, tragically, brave Iraqi and American soldiers will be killed and innocent blood will be shed.

If we succeed however, those who have given their lives and have shown the last full measure of devotion to the cause of freedom will have done so so that innocent Iraqis will no longer have to needlessly lose their lives and live in a state of terror under a cruel and repressive regime, as they would have had Saddam Hussein been left in power.

I appreciate you visiting my site and sharing your thoughts Elaine. Hopefully you'll find my response illuminating and respectful. God bless.

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