"The house we hope to build is not for my generation but for yours. It is your future that matters. And I hope that when you are my age, you will be able to say as I have been able to say: We lived in freedom. We lived lives that were a statement, not an apology."

Sunday, February 13, 2005

The Rove Mystique

One of the more amusing topics I have heard discussed over the last few months is the role of Karl Rove in the president's reelection victory. Many on the paranoid left are convinced that he is the one that is formulating policy and making decisions, acting simply as the puppeteer to the president (though I thought this was supposed to be Dick Cheney?). This is hilarious, and it goes to prove just how warped so many on the left are today.

Make no mistake about it, Karl Rove is a very influential man in the Bush White House, and his strategy in the president's reelection campaign was brillaint, but it was not Karl Rove that was responsible for the victory. Serving as Youth Chair in my home district's Bush-Cheney '04 campaign, I'll let you in on the true reason for the president's victory-- It was the millions of volunteers that worked tirelessly over the span of a year to see the president reelected. From the minute I was asked to join the campaign I was astounded at the level of devotion and selflessness that so many of my fellow volunteers displayed. These volunteers were motivated by their support of the president, who we all believed was a couragous, optimistic leader.

It is for this reason that the president was successful. While the Democrats had paid operatives going into neighborhoods they had never been in nor would ever be again, we had volunteers talking to their friends and neighbors. Not only that, Bush volunteers were motivated by support and devotion, while those on the other side were motivated by hate. The reelection of George W. Bush proves once and for all that a campaign based on hope and optimism will always defeat one that is based on hate and cynicism.

For as important as Karl Rove was to the president's victory, I firmly believe that the balance of that credit goes to those who dropped everything to serve in a cause that we all believed was worthy. And to our delight, that belief was confirmed by the voters on November 2, 2004.

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