George Will has written an article about one Democrat's effort to take his party back to the liberalism of the early Cold War, when Democrats had a much more hawkish foreign policy view. Good luck to that poor guy. No one in the Democratic Party seems to remember the glory days of the party, when Democratic Presidents Truman and Kennedy stood up to the prevalent evil of the time, Soviet-sponsored communism. Because of Vietnam, mainstream Democrats have drastically changed the way they look at the world, and America's role in it.
Most on the left came away from Vietnam convinced that it was proof that the use of American power throughout the globe only brings misery and suffering. This belief stems from the failure to recognize that Vietnam was an aberration in American History, not the norm. Too many on the left don't remember that it was American Power that freed Western Europe from Hitler, Eastern Europe from Soviet oppression, and Iraq and Afghanistan from brutal, totalitarian regimes.
American power is the the best way to achieve freedom and democracy around the globe, which in turn is the only way to win the War on Terror. Until Democrats realize this, and move away from the radical views of Michael Moore and Hollywood, the American people are not likely to trust them with leading America anytime soon.
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